Last year, a digital image of a tweet sold for $2.9 million...
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Last year, a digital image of a tweet sold for $2.9 million.
Earlier this month, it went up for auction with bids maxing out under $10,000... a more than 99% loss.
The digital image of the first tweet ever sent is known as a non-fungible token ("NFT"). As my cryptocurrency expert colleague Eric Wade explains it, NFTs "are unique and represent something digitally owned, such as artwork, real estate, and even your very identity."
Lots of folks have only recently heard of NFTs, and I'd bet plenty of people can't actually explain how NFTs work. But they're surging in popularity...
Last year, the NFT market hit $41 billion – with experts saying that number could easily hit in the hundreds of billions within the next few years. It's clear that NFTs could lead to big gains. Unfortunately, as the sale of the first tweet shows, there's a lot of risk.
I've said before that you can smartly speculate on risky assets, which can include things like cryptos and NFTs. But you must remember one valuable detail if you do that: Bet small and educate yourself!
For most of us, this stuff doesn't make sense. But there's one man I know who does understand what's going on, and that's Eric...
Today, he's seeing a breakthrough emerging in the NFT market.
But the question likely on your mind today is: Where do you even begin?
Yesterday, Eric released an NFT Masterclass where he explains the basics of NFTs and busts every myth about the space. He also proves NFTs aren't as confusing as you may think... and shares with you one of his favorite NFT-based crypto recommendations for 2022, 100% free – a special under-the-radar kind of NFT opportunity that he projects could return 1,000% gains long term.
If you've been wondering what NFTs are all about and how people are actually making money from them, you need to watch Eric's presentation.
Just $100 in bitcoin back in 2010 would have made you more than $40 million today. Now, a similar rally is happening with non-fungible tokens, with new millionaires being minted at a shocking rate. Sure, there's hype. But if you know where to look, this could be an extraordinary 10X opportunity. But don't do anything until you see what this crypto insider says first.
Reader question of the week... Are chia seeds and flax seeds really beneficial?
Q: Thoughts on chia seeds and flax seeds? – D.G.
A: Chia seeds and flax seeds are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and antioxidants.
A 2015 review of studies on chia seeds from Pakistan found that the antioxidants in chia seeds keep your liver and heart healthy by fighting free radicals in your body. Recall that these damaging molecules bounce around your system, trying to pull electrons off healthy pieces of your cells. Too many free radicals can lead to massive damage. They alter your proteins, fats, and even DNA. They also can cause inflammation and cancer.
A 2019 study from the University of Manitoba found that the linolenic acid (a type of omega-3) in flax seeds helps prevent heart attacks. In the study, rats with a diet of linolenic acid from flax seeds had better cardiovascular function. Researchers also noted that these rats experienced less severe heart attacks and better recovery after a heart attack.
Chia and flax seeds also contain more than twice the amount of fiber you'd get from lentils, figs, or plums, which helps keep your digestive system running smoothly.
They are also packed with various omega-3s, which encourage muscle activity and cell growth in the body. They are an integral part of our cell membranes, and they affect the function of the cell receptors inside the membrane.
They help regulate blood clotting, the contraction and relaxation of our arterial walls, and the body's fight against inflammation. Cancer, arthritis, and heart disease also are warded off with regular consumption of omega-3s.
Just don't eat too many... Large amounts of chia or flax seeds can lead to gastrointestinal issues like constipation. Chia seeds can also thin your blood and even raise your blood pressure. Flax seeds can cause inflammation and interrupt normal hormonal function in women.
Stick to no more than a few tablespoons a day. And soak your seeds to help your body digest them more easily.
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