Fixing to Fly: The Top Aviation Stock to Buy Now
By John Persinos
I piloted my first successful helicopter takeoff about 23 years ago, in a Bell Long Ranger while attending the Bell Helicopter Training Academy in Fort Worth, Texas.
I must have had a smug, self-satisfied look on my face, because my pilot instructor pointedly said: "You can't propel yourself forward by patting yourself on the back."
I've been reminded of those words lately, as the bull market persists in defying gravity. There's another way to express my instructor's warning: past performance is no guarantee of future results.
As the major U.S. stock market indices hover at record highs, don't pat yourself on the back for your gains so far this year. It's time to add some "defensive growth" to your portfolio.
Portfolio hedges sometimes come in unlikely forms. Below, I pinpoint a stock that confers outsized growth potential, protection against a downturn, and even a hedge against inflation. And it's a bargain, to boot.
Chances are, you've never heard of the company. It's in the aviation sector and it's a play on the sector's rebound from COVID-induced economic damage.