
The ‘right time’ to invest in AI… is NOW – details inside

Investing Daily

Know Your Risk and Reward


The 'right time' to invest in AI… is NOW – details inside

Have nosebleed prices of notable stocks (like Nvidia) coupled with their ping-pong ball volatility, kept you on the sidelines when it comes to AI investing? One elite group of 'silent partners' in the AI super boom regularly rewards investors with payouts of $1,100… $2,050… even $3,500 could go straight into your pocket. Just how much are you missing out on? Get the inside scoop - Here.

Know Your Risk and Reward

By Scott Chan


You've doubtless heard of the saying, "There's no such thing as a free lunch." It's a cliché, but it's a cliché for a reason. It's true, especially when it comes to Wall Street.

Understanding the relationship between risk and reward is a crucial ingredient to successful trading or investing. Generally, you won't get something for nothing.

For a higher return, you typically have to take on higher risk. If you want something with low risk, you typically have to settle for a lower return. This relationship is clearest when the return is fixed, such as with a fixed-rate bond. If you want higher interest, you have to buy a longer-term bond and/or buy a bond with a lower debt rating (higher default risk).

Expectation vs. Reality

When you are dealing with investments whose return isn't fixed—such as a stock—then you are dealing with expected risk and return.

To buy a growth stock (the company is expected to increase sales and cash flow quickly) you likely have to pay for a high valuation (e.g., price-to-earnings, price-to-sales, etc.).

Value stocks are cheaper in that their valuation metrics are lower, but they aren't expected to grow very much. This means for a growth stock you may have to pay 50x earnings, while for a value stock you pay only 8x.

WATCH THIS VIDEO: The Rise of Artificial Intelligence, Algorithms, and "Robo-Trading" on Wall Street

Market expectations are not always correct, but in the long run, the risk/reward relationship stands. You won't often find a growth stock that's trading cheaply (low valuation, NOT necessarily low price), unless there were some problems under the hood.


Businessman Silhouette

D.C. insider makes $250,000 wager on THIS stock

With $1.4 trillion in government funds pouring into ONE overlooked sector… This CEO's Capitol Hill connections are helping him position his company for a lion's share of the cash. On top of his role as CEO… He's also a Director at the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond… And has close ties to the U.S. Senate. According to our research, this CEO also invested a $250,000 "vote of confidence" in his company's stock. Smart investors who get in now could earn an extra $22,986 per year.

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