
An urgent warning about the money in your bank account

Bill Bonner's Diary

An Urgent Warning About the Money in Your Bank Account

Bill Bonner's Diary

Before I show you evidence of how easy it is to seize control of America's money, let me make one point clear:

If you value sound money and political freedom... if you value limited government and taxation with representation... and if you value enterprise and privacy... then you're going to hate what I'm about to show you.

You're either with it or against it.

In March 1933, a report was sent to the federal government.

This report was authored and signed by seven academics from the University of Chicago. They called it "The Chicago Plan."

The plan wouldn't nationalize the U.S. banking system. But it would nationalize the nation's money supply.

In other words, the government could create and spend as much money as they wanted without restriction. I don't have to tell you the danger of giving the federal government unlimited access to a currency printing press.

The plan was ultimately shelved more than eighty years ago. But I believe it's about to make a resurgence in modern America.

I believe a small circle of financial and political elite are quietly planning to revive the Chicago Plan.

The ultimate goal? To control the money in your bank account, the cash in your wallet, and any and all savings you might have stashed away.

If you're in a situation where you can only spend money when "they" say you can spend money...

Or if you can only spend what "they" deem to be money...

Or you can only spend money when "they" approve the purchase...

You are not free!

And to some people, freedom still matters in America.

If you agree, then I urge you to get all the details here.

Dan Denning
Co-author, The Bill Bonner Letter

