
As promised, your digital copy

Near Future Report

Dear Reader,

As promised, here’s your digital copy of The First Phase of 5G: Four Ways to Profit from the Biggest Infrastructure Boom of the Decade

Click here to download it now.

This free guide breaks down why I believe 5G will be the most incredible communications infrastructure buildout of our lifetimes...and possibly one of the single best investments we could see over the next 10 years.

Here’s why:

Reason #1: The world has an insatiable demand for more connectivity. More internet browsing, more messages, more video chats, more streaming video… all over their smartphones and tablets that are connected to wireless networks. This demand has accelerated the migration from 4G to 5G.

Reason #2: 5G wireless networking technology is not evolutionary, it’s revolutionary. I’ve broken down all the reasons why in the guide...

Reason #3: The economic impact of 5G network deployments will be profound. For the U.S. market alone, it is expected that as much as $275 billion will be spent by U.S. wireless carriers (AT&T, Verizon, and the combined T-Mobile/Sprint)

Click here to read more about more my research and why I’m calling this the silent smartphone killer.

I wanted to also take a minute and thank you for joining our free newsletter.

As a leading Silicon Valley CEO and Angel Investor, I have direct access to a wide network of well-placed contacts in the world of technology. As a member of our newsletter, I’ll be introducing you to a few of my trusted colleagues as well as sharing time sensitive market updates that typically fly under the mainstream investor radar.

Talk soon,

Jeff Brown
Editor, The Near Future Report

