
preemptive desk crushes Caspian thought

Oh, my Gods, here we went on that stupid theme. Over there, just east of the Black Sea, theres an arm of land that comes down and joins Turkey. Thats Caucasus. Way over on the horizon is the Caspian Sea and that bounds Caucasus on the east. But you cant go in there. Thats communist Russian country. Georgia and Armenia are right there on the Russian side of the border. But Caucasus is out of bounds. Forget it. Im trying to show you something. He stepped into an empty classroom. He went to the platform, took a different recorder out of the rucksack, verified that it was loaded with 120minute tape, put it on record, placed it in the bottom of the wastebasket and threw some paper over it and then walked out of the room just as a couple of students were entering. And there he was, using the corridor outside the storerooms as a running track. He apparently had two bags of running weights over his right and left shoulder as I could see the weight sacks bouncing as he trotted. Him and his exercise! Adding weights to keep his muscles in trim despite the reduced gravity of this planet. Athletes! They turned out of the roaring traffic to approach the garage. But one block away from it, Heller told the cab to stop and wait. The cabby looked at the decayed, semiindustrial neighborhood. You mean wait here? he asked. Miss Simmons was lecturing. ... and here it is that the delegates could rise with one voice and in stentorian and noble tones denounce nuclear weapons forever. But alas, they do not. The men who occupy this place are silenced by their own fears. They cower....

