
Unprecedented (Details Thursday)

Bill Bonner's Diary

Editor's Note: Right now no one else is talking about this new opportunity below, except our colleagues at Casey Research. I urge you to take a minute to check it out.


Hi, Bob Irish here.

Circle February 4, 2019, on your calendar.

It's likely this day will go down as the greatest in stock market history.

Or at least the most profitable.


You see, thanks to a recent Trump Supreme Court order...

Over $4 billion is expected to flood this corner of the stock market and there are three obscure stocks that could take the lion's share of profits.

This Thursday at 8 pm ET, I'm hosting a free investment briefing event to share the full story behind this historic moment.

Click here to automatically register for free.

It's called: The Greatest Day in Stock Market History Investment Summit.

And it explores the shocking Trump Supreme Court ruling... and the landmark investment opportunity it's about to create.

And just to be clear, this could all happen in one day.

Simply put, if you get in now, you could make 3x, 5x, or even 10 times your money thanks to this event.

The mainstream media isn't reporting on it.

But, this Thursday at 8 pm ET, we'll rip the lid off this story.

There's no cost to attend this event, but the window of opportunity is closing.

Simply click here now to be automatically registered for this historic event before time runs out.


Bob Irish
Host, The Greatest Day in Stock Market History Investment Summit

Thanks to a recent Trump Supreme Court order, experts predict this industry could go from basically $0 to potentially $400 billion in a matter of years. Click here to automatically register for this free event and get the full story behind this watershed investment opportunity.

