
No Stock Is 'Forever'

Even "forever" stocks can fail...
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No Stock Is 'Forever'

Nothing is forever.

Consider photography company Eastman Kodak (KODK)...

Kodak was the Apple (AAPL) of its day. As the prime inventor of camera film, the company was on the constant edge of innovation. As late as the 1970s, it sold 90% of the film and 85% of the cameras in the U.S. But the end came fast for Kodak...

In 1995, digital cameras hit the consumer market... and almost immediately undermined Kodak's analog camera and film business. Ironically, the company had developed a digital camera as early as 1975 but didn't pursue it, realizing the threat it represented to its own film business.

In 2012, the company filed for bankruptcy. Lots of shareholders ended up with nothing.

As a lifelong investor, I think about finding high-quality, stable businesses that you can hold "forever." But as Kodak and others show... nothing is really forever. Even the strongest companies see their runs end eventually.

Of course, you're much less likely to lose all your money with large, dominant companies than investments like the once again popular "meme" stocks. But losses with stalwart stocks can happen.

And, according to my friend Marc Chaikin, we're headed for a shift... And the investments and strategies that have worked the best throughout this entire bull market are not going to help you much going forward.

But next Wednesday, June 26, Marc will be sharing a strategy that has a long historical record for outperforming the rest of the stock market in financial environments just like the one we're experiencing now.

Marc believes this might be the single-most profitable strategy that could outperform the S&P 500 Index fourfold over the coming year...

Click to reserve your seat today.

Here's to our health, wealth, and a great retirement,

Dr. David Eifrig and the Health & Wealth Bulletin Research Team
June 22, 2024

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Do NOT Buy Another Stock in 2024 Until You See This

A signal that has only appeared a handful of times since 1943 just triggered – and every time, it has predicted the stock market's next move with 100% historical accuracy. Now, one Wall Street veteran is sounding the alarm on what's coming next for the markets in 2024.

Reader question of the week...

Q: Doc, any opinion on the blood test for colon cancer? Instead of going through the whole ordeal of a colonoscopy. – R.C.

A: I see a lot of promise in this new test...

With a blood test for colorectal cancer, you could get screened as part of your annual physical. It's much more comfortable and convenient than a colonoscopy or even a stool-based test in which you'd collect a sample at home...

However, this blood test hasn't yet won approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration ("FDA"). Its developer, Guardant Health, hopes that the sign-off will come before the end of the year, and an FDA advisory panel recently endorsed the test. But this isn't a test you can take yet.

Early indications are positive... In a study published last month in the New England Journal of Medicine, involving 7,861 participants between ages 45 and 84, the test caught 83% of the folks who had cancer (confirmed via colonoscopy). That's nearly as good as a stool-DNA test – and a lot more convenient.

However, this test is only 13% effective in catching cancer in its earliest stages. It looks for cancer in bits of DNA that tumor cells only release later in the process.

A colonoscopy is no fun... mainly because you have to spend hours on the toilet emptying your bowels the night before. But it's still the gold standard for colon-cancer screening. Plus, anyone who tests positive in a stool or blood test would still need to get a colonoscopy pronto.

But if it's approved, this new test could warn folks who have no idea that cancer is brewing...

Keep sending your questions, comments, and suggestions our way. We read every e-mail... feedback@healthandwealthbulletin.com.

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