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Exciting Opportunity Targets Key Innovators Zacks Member, If you had invested in FANG stocks (Facebook, Amazon, Netflix and Google), you would have been pretty pleased with Facebook's leap of +788% or Amazon's +546% in just 5 years. And you're likely to have years of steady, but slower gains ahead of you. But their thrill ride is over. The fastest growth will be found in a new wave of cutting-edge companies. A handful of companies are revolutionizing their industries - or blazing entirely new paths. You can capitalize on these breakthrough stocks and emerging trends with our Technology Innovators portfolio. And now is a particularly good time to get on board.
Check out this portfolio now and you may also download our Special Report, Internet of Things: Connecting to the Trillion-Dollar Trend, absolutely free. This new "information superhighway" will make existing industries smarter, faster and more efficient. And it's about to explode as 5G technology rolls out. This report reveals 6 tickers that look to have the greatest near- and long-term profit potential in this fast-emerging space. Please note: this free report is only available until midnight Sunday, August 4. Good Investing,
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