
Big Things in Store for Tech Investors

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Exciting Opportunity Targets Key Innovators

Zacks Member,

If you had invested in FANG stocks (Facebook, Amazon, Netflix and Google), you would have been pretty pleased with Facebook's leap of +788% or Amazon's +546% in just 5 years. And you're likely to have years of steady, but slower gains ahead of you.

But their thrill ride is over. The fastest growth will be found in a new wave of cutting-edge companies.

A handful of companies are revolutionizing their industries - or blazing entirely new paths. You can capitalize on these breakthrough stocks and emerging trends with our Technology Innovators portfolio. And now is a particularly good time to get on board.

Several long-awaited IPOs on this year's calendar have tantalizing possibilities - with the potential for hundreds of billions of dollars to pour into the newly-minted stocks.
Developments in artificial intelligence, self-driving cars, the Internet of Things and other areas are continuing to change the way we live. Leading companies in these industries could be the most exciting - and profitable - stocks in your portfolio.
The rollout of 5G infrastructure and devices is the key that will unleash the full power of many groundbreaking technologies. Studies indicate 5G will boost global GDP by $3 trillion.

Check out this portfolio now and you may also download our Special Report, Internet of Things: Connecting to the Trillion-Dollar Trend, absolutely free. This new "information superhighway" will make existing industries smarter, faster and more efficient. And it's about to explode as 5G technology rolls out. This report reveals 6 tickers that look to have the greatest near- and long-term profit potential in this fast-emerging space.

Please note: this free report is only available until midnight Sunday, August 4.

Good Investing,

Brian Bolan - signature
Brian Bolan
Aggressive Growth Strategist

