
How Trump became the Deep State’s top promoter

Bill Bonner’s Diary

How Trump Became the Deep State’s Top Promoter

By Bill Bonner, Chairman, Bonner & Partners

Bill Bonner

POITOU, FRANCE – In the later days of the Roman Empire, losing power was often a death sentence. The new emperor got rid of his rivals in a conclusive way; he had them killed.

Politics in the US have become meaner and more corrupt, too, as the empire ages. From The Washington Examiner:

After President Trump tweeted, "Perhaps never in the history of our Country has someone been more thoroughly disgraced and excoriated than James Comey in the just released Inspector General’s Report," [John] Brennan responded by saying Comey "is far more decent, ethical, honest, competent, & patriotic than you could ever hope to be" and "It is only because Attorney General William Barr and Senate Republicans that he [Mr. Trump] is not in a world of trouble & hurt. But their protective cocoon is only temporary…"

The former CIA director and Deep State poo-bah is warning the president. If he loses the next election: the feds will come after him.

Ike’s Warning

The peak in US power, prestige, and economic vitality probably came at the end of the 20th century. But the corruption was already running deep.

Eisenhower had warned about it in 1961. The next president, who appeared ready to bring the Deep State’s clandestine attack dog – the CIA – to heel, was assassinated.

By 1981 the spooks had their own man – George Herbert Walker Bush – in the vice president’s role.

Eight years later, he was in the Oval Office… followed by a pair of easily corruptible scoundrels (the Clintons), who were succeeded by Mr. Bush’s son.

By then, the Deep State was in almost complete control.

Weapons of Mass Deception

Since the turn of the century, the corruption has become more flagrant. In this regard, Mr. Bush the younger, deserves special mention.

It was he who in 2003 began a war in Iraq – pretending that it had something to do with terrorism (which it did not) and that it had weapons of mass destruction (which didn’t exist).

That war and its sordid aftermath – which continue today – greatly enriched and empowered the Deep State’s military arm… while costing the nation some $5 trillion.

Spending money you don’t have on wars you don’t need to fight is not a formula for national greatness. It is a ticket to bankruptcy, claptrap and flimflam. And since the War on Terror began, the US has declined by almost every measure.

Out of Whack

One of those measures is getting more attention than others: inequality.

The Wall Street Journal recently described the trend:

Grim reading from the Fed’s survey of current finances. A $9 trillion increase in household debt from 1989 to 2018. 74% of that went to households in the bottom 90% of net worth. Most of the growth in assets (see below) went to the top 10%.

The median net worth of households in the middle 20% of income rose 4% in inflation-adjusted terms to $81,900 between 1989 and 2016, from the latest available data. For households in the top 20%, median net worth more than doubled to $811,860. And for the top 1%, the increase was 178% to $11,206,000.

Put differently, the value of assets for all U.S. households increased from 1989 through 2016 by an inflation-adjusted $58 trillion. A third of the gain – $19 trillion – went to the wealthiest 1% according to a Journal analysis of Fed data.

It is perfectly normal for some people to earn more than others. In an honest economy, you get more or less in proportion to what you give. Some give more; they get more.

But all humans only have 2 legs, 2 arms and 24 hours in a day. And when some are earning vastly more than others, it is often a sign that the fix is in somewhere.

Drain the Swamp

As the 21st century moved ahead, it became more and more obvious that the system was rigged in favor of the rich and powerful.

In 2016, Donald J. Trump exploited the public’s sour mood to win the White House.

He was probably not the insiders’ first choice. And he was hounded by Comey, Mueller, Brennan… and a whole pack of Deep State insiders.

But it didn’t take him long to figure out who was in charge. He quickly sold out his supporters, made his deal with the elite, and has turned out to be the most energetic promoter the Deep State ever had.

Under Trump, the wars continue. Federal power, especially that of the president himself, increases.

Federal spending has increased faster than any time in the last 50 years. He’s added $2.7 trillion in debt (during a boom!), with much of that money going to Beltway cronies.

And he’s pressuring the Fed to debase the dollar and bust the bond market further, to make even more money available to the swamp critters.

And now, practically every candidate readily admits that Trump was right in 2016: America has slipped down a notch or two. Something has gone wrong… and something needs to be done about it.

But not a one of them – Democrat nor Republican… not even Donald J. Trump himself – dares to come within miles of the only real solution: Cut off the money. Drain the Swamp.

More to come…





Maria’s Note: As longtime Diary readers know, Bill is a self-described fuddy-duddy when it comes to investing. But with Brexit making new headlines, you may be wondering what it means for you as an investor.

Below, colleague Teeka Tiwari shows how what’s going on in Britain could lead to another panic in the markets… and why this presents a buying opportunity for those who are prepared…

By Teeka Tiwari, editor, Teeka Tiwari’s Alpha Edge

Teeka Tiwari

The British market is getting no love from investors.

As you may recall, Brits initially voted to leave the European Union on June 23, 2016.

The media called the decision Brexit.

And the markets panicked…

  • The S&P 500 plunged 5.4% that day – its largest drop since 2011.

  • The British pound crashed about 10% against the U.S. dollar – its largest intraday drop in history.

  • Wall Street’s fear gauge, the Volatility Index (VIX), spiked 49% to 25.76. That marked its highest level since February 11, 2016 – when equities hit their lows of the year.

The UK economy continues to suffer in the aftermath, too:

  • Today, the British pound trades at historic lows compared to the U.S. dollar.

  • According to Financial Times, nearly $25 billion has fled UK stock funds since the Brexit vote as investors look for other places to grow their money.

  • And Goldman Sachs says Brexit has cost the UK economy $734 million per week since the 2016 vote. British companies are relocating to other European countries to maintain access to EU markets.

Here’s the thing… I believe this is a typical market overreaction.

While most mainstream pundits are stoking fears about the breakup, foreign firms have been quietly buying up British companies.

For example, a PricewaterhouseCoopers study after the original Brexit vote predicted the UK would lose up to $240 billion in merger and acquisition (M&A) activity if it left the EU.

However, the exact opposite happened.

In the two years prior to the referendum, overseas companies acquired 294 UK firms for a combined $146 billion. But two years after the vote, Bloomberg reported an increase to 475 acquisitions for a combined $232 billion.

That’s nearly 60% more acquisition spending – despite the ongoing drama. And therein lies our opportunity…

Brexit Redux

The initial 2016 vote started the clock on a process over two years long. It was supposed to end with the UK’s exit from the EU on March 29, 2019.

But the two sides couldn’t reach an amicable divorce. So they extended the deadline to October 31. And it’s increasingly looking like Brexit will happen with no deal…

On Wednesday, Queen Elizabeth approved Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s request to suspend Parliament in September. With the new session beginning in mid-October, British lawmakers have even less time to stop a no-deal Brexit.

Now, we don’t need to get into all the details. Just know that a withdrawal with no deal would send shockwaves across British society… and lead to another panic in the markets.

Under this scenario, certain stocks could quickly lose 40%, 50%, or even 60% in price. It’ll spark the greatest buying opportunity we’ve seen since October 2008.

So how do we play it?

Well, in my elite Alpha Edge trading service, we’re using a little-known strategy to capture huge gains from this coming turmoil. It’s an approach hedge funds and savvy traders have used for years.

If you aren’t a member yet, we recommend keeping a cash hoard ready. Chances are, we’ll see lower prices across all stock markets as Brexit plays out.

One exchange-traded fund to keep an eye on is the iShares MSCI United Kingdom ETF (EWU). It consists of stocks trading primarily on the London Stock Exchange. It’ll give you broad exposure to a UK rebound.

– Teeka Tiwari

P.S. At 1 p.m. ET, I’m releasing what may be my most important investment update of the year…

During a special briefing, I’ll show you how to take advantage of a time-sensitive Brexit opportunity between now and October 31.

It could unlock $300 billion in profits for U.S. investors – and put you on the path to collecting thousands or tens of thousands of dollars (and perhaps even over $100,000). But you’ll only have a few hours to act if you wish to take part.

So register your details instantly right here and join me for my confidential briefing at 1 p.m. ET.


The Psychological Effects of Bear Markets
Bill has warned us about bear markets. But in addition to being damaging to your wealth, bear markets can also be psychologically damaging…

Options Trading Can Preserve Your Retirement Funds
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“He Was a Dead Man Walking as Soon as His Trial Was Set”
One of today’s biggest stories is the Jeffrey Epstein scandal. Contrarian thinker and Casey Research founder Doug Casey discusses the mystery surrounding Epstein’s unusual death… And he thinks the odds of foul play are “almost 100%.”


In the ongoing mailbag debate about medical care in America, a Dear Reader shares a lesson from around the world…

Our medical system is a disease care system: It makes more money treating people than curing them. The best thing anyone can do is take care of oneself as best as one can and have minimal interaction with the system. Sometimes it’s unavoidable in the case of accidents. It’s especially difficult for people with children. However, when it comes to the major diseases, such as diabetes and even cancer, we have a lot of control over that. But it’s much easier to go to the doctor’s office and get pills.

Last year, I read an interesting report about a group of researchers who went around the world interviewing some centenarians. They found that most of these individuals didn’t do anything exceptional. Most ate their countries’ traditional diets, which consisted of few processed foods. One man in the Caribbean had never been to a hospital or even a doctor!

These people weren’t overly concerned about living to that advanced age. They just took life as it came. We have come to depend too much on the so-called experts. We’re so stressed out over everything and nothing.

– Helga N.

Is the solution Helga describes possible in today’s America? Can we detach from the “so-called experts” in our medical care system? Write us at feedback@bonnerandpartners.com.


It’s a $19 Trillion Fortune – and the World’s Superpowers Fight for it!

You might have heard of the “Internet of Things.” It’s going to touch your life in ways you never imagined. And it’ll have an economic impact 10 times bigger than the internet.

CNBC reports it’s worth $19 trillion over the coming years.

There’s just one thing. For the Internet of Things to work, it requires an ultra-rare “tech metal.”

And right now, China is busy locking up global supply.

Luckily, President Trump just played his “ace card.” And it’s securing America’s position in the new Internet of Things economy.

This has created an opportunity for you to make a fortune.

But to get your slice, you must get in now before December 31, 2019. Our chief analyst Nick Giambruno shows you step-by-step how.

Click here for full details.


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