I Built A Stock Prediction System Based on Underlying Reason Stocks Rise And Fall… Here’s the story… In 2016 I walked away from my former hedge fund… It was my first crack at being a “stay-at-home trader” I no longer had 8+ monitors… I didn’t have millions of dollars to trade with… And I no longer had access to their highly specialized trading software… But I knew what capabilities that software had. So, I took the essence of it, simplified it and built a stock prediction system. After many attempts, I was able to create a one-screen trading platform… At first, it might look a bit complicated… But in reality it’s quite straightforward… When all five of these lights turn green, It means the stock is primed for a bullish move higher…  From there you can buy the stock outright, or trade the option… And as long as they are green, there is a good chance the stock could continue higher. In the last couple of weeks, these lights have lit up for American Airlines…  Moderna…  Carnival Cruise lines and a few others.  Now, I call the system Platform X… And I think right now is the perfect time to share it… As you’ll see inside my brand new webinar, I think 2024 will bring a lot more opportunity than 2023… With the help of Platform X, you could find yourself in the best position to capitalize if the market takes off as I think it will. Obviously, I’d never promise future returns, or against losses, but if you’d like to see what Platform X is all about, follow this link here. By clicking the link above you agree to periodic updates from The TradingPub and its partners (privacy policy) Lance |